Nelson’s Recycled Art Contest:
To help celebrate Earth Day this year, Nelson will be hosting a Recycled Art Contest for all interested students. The artworks must be created from recyclable goods and materials that would otherwise be considered “trash.” There will be three grade-level categories: K-1st, 2nd -3rd, and 4th-5th. A first, second, and third place prize will be awarded in each of the three grade-level groups.
In order for an artwork to qualify, the following criteria must be met:
1. All artwork should be student-made.
2. All artwork should contain at least one aluminum can.
3. All artwork must be no larger than 36” in any direction.
4. All artwork must be turned in on time and be labeled with student’s name, grade level, and teacher’s name.
We encourage our young artists to be as creative as possible. Our judges will be looking for evidence of originality, good craftsmanship, and creative use of materials.
*** All entries should be turned in to Mrs. Velilla by Monday, April 19th. Winners will be announced on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22nd, during the Nelson Morning Show.
If you have any questions feel free to call Mrs. Velilla at the school or email her at chelsey.velilla@nn.k12.va.us
To help celebrate Earth Day this year, Nelson will be hosting a Recycled Art Contest for all interested students. The artworks must be created from recyclable goods and materials that would otherwise be considered “trash.” There will be three grade-level categories: K-1st, 2nd -3rd, and 4th-5th. A first, second, and third place prize will be awarded in each of the three grade-level groups.
In order for an artwork to qualify, the following criteria must be met:
1. All artwork should be student-made.
2. All artwork should contain at least one aluminum can.
3. All artwork must be no larger than 36” in any direction.
4. All artwork must be turned in on time and be labeled with student’s name, grade level, and teacher’s name.
We encourage our young artists to be as creative as possible. Our judges will be looking for evidence of originality, good craftsmanship, and creative use of materials.
*** All entries should be turned in to Mrs. Velilla by Monday, April 19th. Winners will be announced on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22nd, during the Nelson Morning Show.
If you have any questions feel free to call Mrs. Velilla at the school or email her at chelsey.velilla@nn.k12.va.us