Thursday, May 16, 2013

2013 Nelson Student Artwork

Please enjoy this slideshow of amazing artworks created by our Nelson artists during the 2012-13 schoolyear!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Universal Shapes Printmaking Lesson

Did you know that there are five shapes that have been appearing in artworks from all over the world, in all different time periods, in all different cultures?  They are called the Five Universal Shapes and they are: the square, the circle, the triangle, the equidistant cross (looks like a plus sign), and the spiral.  Our fifth grade artists were asked to pick their favorite and least favorite of these shapes and combine them into one symbol.  These symbols were incised into styrofoam trays, covered with magic marker ink, and printed onto white paper--a simple but beautiful adventure in printmaking!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2nd Grade Field Trip

This week our 2nd and 4th grades visited the Peninsula Fine Arts Center in Newport News where a wonderful exhibit titled "50 Great American Artists" is on display.  We saw artworks made by Andy Warhol, Norman Rockwell, and Chuck Close...just to name a few.  Our docents were very knowledgeable and guided our students through the galleries asking them thought-provoking questions and asking for opinions about what they saw in the various pieces.  

Mr. Bill Hobler, our docent, guides the 2nd graders through a discussion of abstract vs. realistic art.

3rd Grade Snowscapes

These serene landscapes were created by our third grade artists who studied the concepts of "foreground, middleground, and background."  Notice how the trees appear smaller and lighter in color as they get farther away.  We don't see many sights like this in Virginia....but we're all keeping our fingers crossed!

2nd Grade Hundertwasser Collages

Second grade artists studied the colorful and exuberant art of Friedensreich Hundertwasser, an Austrian painter and architect.  His use of repeated shapes, lines, and colors really inspired us!  We created these bright collages using cellophane, construction paper, and metallic markers.  We think Mr. Hundertwasser would be proud!  :)